Saturday, May 18, 2024
HomeEducationBoost your third grader’s performance with these key steps.

Boost your third grader’s performance with these key steps.

As your child progresses to higher grades, subjects become more complex. While teachers do their part to guide them, you must buckle up and guide them through the years.

So, whether your kid is struggling, here are the key steps to boost their academic progress!

1. Practice reading together

One of the best ways to improve your child’s performance is to make them read. One out of six children in third grade who don’t read proficiently fails to graduate from high school on time!

Reading opens up a world of imagination and boosts growth, so encourage it!

However, don’t make reading sessions only about school textbooks. Otherwise, they’ll easily get bored and avoid it. Instead, borrow fun storybooks from the local library.

You must also read along with your child so they perceive it as some fun group activity or a game. You can also play age-appropriate games that involve reading.

2. Encourage them to write

To inspire your child to write, start writing before them and add a few spelling/grammatical errors.

Ask them to check your writing and sit together to correct whatever mistakes you’ve made. This will make them feel like the teacher and pique their interest in writing.

Invest in articles related to writing, like dictionaries and fancy stationery. When they make mistakes, don’t show disappointment. Correct them playfully and make them have fun knowing and remembering things.

Play age-appropriate crosswords with them by yourself or invite their friends over.

3. Practice math every day

There are so many different ways to learn math other than workbooks. Instead, play with numbers and any colorful items.

Practice counting by asking them how many objects, say sketch pens, you have in your hand. Ask them to guess the number of things, say toffees in a jar. Then, start counting together.

Or perform a countdown until a certain special day. Ask your kid to switch out the days left until the event. You can also ask them to get the cutlery and set the table for a certain number of people.

4. Work on their listening skills

For this, read out children’s story books to your child and ask them questions about the story. In daily life, when you give instructions to your child, ask them to repeat after you. To grab your child’s attention while talking, touch their arm gently.

Lead them by example by listening to them carefully when they talk. Repeat it to ensure you get it right when they ask you something.

Play games that involve listening and talking, like Twenty Questions, Red Light/Green Light, and Charades.

5. Prepare your child for school

Support your child with their homework and help them stay updated with studies in class.

If you don’t have enough time to pay attention to your child’s studies, appoint an online tutor for 3rd graders. This ensures they get the necessary guidance right from the comfort of their home.

Provide your child with filling meals so they stay energized throughout the day. Remember always to whip up something different occasionally to keep them excited about food.

Put them to sleep by 8 pm every night so they don’t struggle to wake up or focus at school the next day.

Ensure they wear neat and clean uniforms for the specific season. Pack their bag with the right books, food, and water. Send them to school on time.

6. Talk to your child’s teacher once in a while

Make an appointment with your child’s teachers to learn about their progress and weaknesses. This way, you’ll know about their struggles and help them on time.

Check their exercise book, homework, and test results. If there’s any doubt, seek clarification and guidance from the teachers.

Stay connected with their home tutors as well. Ask for feedback about your child. However, don’t overemphasize their weaknesses. Celebrate their strengths and praise them for those.

7. Encourage your child to be independent

Don’t let your child grow dependent on you. Urge them to do little things by themselves. For instance, ask them to unpack their bag after school and start solving their homework.

In the morning, ask them to wash up and wear their uniform by themselves. Help them practice waking up on time.

Praise them for every task done right. If they forget something, be gentle but strict. Don’t overlook their good sides just because of a few mistakes. If they struggle to remember things, make a checklist of tasks.


Follow these steps and seek the help of teachers and home tutors. You’ll notice obvious improvement in your child soon!


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